Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back in NYC, sans luggage

I'm sitting in a hostel just minutes away from LaGuardia airport in New York, wearing the same magenta tee I was wearing on yesterday's flights. (Note: This place is called a hostel, but it's more like a homey B&B) Normally I'd have something else in my carry-on luggage, given how I pack every single bag to the brim whenever I'm moving. This time, however, I was proud of myself for being able to crunch almost everything into two medium-sized suitcases, with the rest happily packed up in very light carry-on bags.

My flights went from Vancouver to Ottawa, then from Ottawa to NYC. Last time I had a cross-border connecting flight, I was told at LaGuardia that I had to pick up my luggage first in Toronto, and then go through customs. Given that, I had a little too much faith in airports. I wasn't told anything in Vancouver, and I asked more than one person in Ottawa... the conclusion was that I'd be fine going through customs with just my carry-ons. Coasted through customs, telling the officer that I was on a 3-day trip on my way to the UK. Even the metal detector wasn't as picky as the Vancouver one, which had gotten me groped because of the metal buttons on my jeans. (Yes, I'd also forgotten that I should be wearing yoga pants on flights, not jeans)

After a short flight with nobody sitting next to me, I was back in good ol' Noo Yawk, one of my favourite cities in the States. I was happy to be back at one of my multiple "homes". Not for long. All the checked baggage from my flight had arrived, and the conveyor belt was not moving. My bags were nowhere to be seen. Uh-oh. Not good. I was directed to the Air Canada baggage office right by the conveyor belt. Luggage info was entered into the Star Alliance international baggage tracing system, along with my cell number and temporary accommodation information. I walked out with a reference number, the name of the person that told me my luggage will be delivered next day afternoon or evening, and the few items I was lucky not to have checked in.

Fast forward to today. For a good hour or two, I was desperately trying to benefit from whatever weak wireless internet I can get here, in the hopes that maybe the online tracker would have posted my bags' whereabouts. None, nada, zilch. If the luggage hadn't been traced at noon next day, how would I expect them to send everything over by the end of the day? Given that I had provided my flight information and even my bag tag numbers, this was far from impressive.

I called the central baggage office. I hate making phone calls for reservations, customer service, and the like, so you can imagine how impatient I had to have been to actually make a phone call. But hey, voila! Despite what the online tracker said about the bags still being traced, my bags had been located in Ottawa (as I'd assumed). I was told that my bags will be sent to the hostel this evening, but that the delivery people wouldn't be calling me because they don't call hotels or B&Bs. Um, okay, I gave my cellphone number for a reason. I emphasized that, adding that the cell number is *my* number and that I'll have it on me.

I guess Air Canada trained their baggage office employees well so they won't get themselves stuck dealing with angry customers on the phone. I was told again they don't call hotels or B&Bs, and "I hope you have a great day, bye bye." Now I can only pray that my luggage will indeed come this evening as promised.

I'll go console myself with some clothes shopping (I desperately need a new top to last me today, and maybe a backup item for tomorrow), lunch, and a cupcake or two from my favourite bakery in NYC, Babycakes.

Lesson of the day: No matter what they tell you at the airport, if you have to go through customs, make sure you pick up your luggage first and then proceed to your connecting flight.

Edit: Having to pick up luggage between connecting flights only applies in special cases, e.g. going through US customs in Canada instead of in the US. Toronto (YYZ) and Ottawa (YOW) are among the few airports where I'll need to pay extra attention.

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